Paulson Plan Credits

Date de publication

The Capital Purchase Plan (CPP) is one of the main ingredients of the Paulson Plan. In accordance with the CPP, U.S. federal agencies invested more than $200 billion in approximately 700 financial institutions in 2008 and 2009. This article examines whether the CPP as a major public intervention helped to decrease financial institutions’ systemic risk contribution. We use ΔCoVaR (Adrian and Brunnermeier, 2016) as measure of systemic risk contribution, as well as a difference-in-difference test. Size, business model and CPP timing all matters when it comes to identify the effects of the CPP. In particular, October 2008 recipients, a limited sample of major industry players, underwent an increase in their systemic risk contribution after CPP funding. This result suggests either a moral hazard issue and/or an indirect effect of the financial industry restructuring in the wake of the Lehman Brothers collapse.

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